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Submitted by: Samantha Biggs
Caviar connoisseurs believe that Caviar from the Beluga sturgeon, commonly called as the Beluga caviar are the best and the most exclusive amongst their kind. The Beluga caviar s taste is quite exquisite and it is difficult to quite pinpoint what is unique about it. It has the flavor of butter, nuts and fruits rounded off with a crunchy taste! Beluga caviar has been the preferred caviar for hundreds of years and is considered as a symbol of elegant dining.
We owe their existence to Beluga sturgeons
Beluga caviars are derived from the roe of Beluga sturgeons. These sturgeons are commonly found in the waters of the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. The countries bordering these seas are the ones who supply most of this delicacy to the world namely, Azerbaijan, Russia, Iran and Kazakhstan.
The beluga sturgeons are the largest amongst its species and can attain a length of 5 meters. Apart from the seas, they are also spotted in freshwater bodies, where they go for spawning. These sturgeons take 18-20 years to attain to sexual maturity. And they spawn only once in about 6 years. This is one of the reasons why their caviars were always very expensive and consumed exclusively.
The Guinness Book happens to list it as the most expensive type of Caviar. They also look expensive-Beluga caviar is famous for its pearl like appearance. This is the reason why it is also an exclusive and fashionable gift item.
With time their exclusivity has only increased
The beluga caviar is today more exclusive than ever. Because of reducing population of the sturgeon, many governments have imposed restrictions on its trade and harvest. These restrictions aim to help the species in increasing its population that has been today reduced to dangerously low levels.
This has meant that they are being served very restrictedly. In England, it once used to be part of State banquets hosted by The Queen. The situation has changed and it has been years since it was last served at such a banquet. It is making a disappearing act from the menus of common restaurants. Except for top restaurants, the other restaurants are not offering this dish to their patrons. It has been a long time since first-class passengers were offered this dish on board.
Russian Mallossol Cavia
The Russian Mallossol beluga caviar is being touted as the next big thing. But it is no more than a marketing gimmick. Malossol, in Russian, implies little salt . Usually during dispatch of caviar, it is salted to preserve it from spoiling. But, in the process, it affects its taste. So, this type essentially means that less salt has been used in the process of preservation. Don t be lead into believing that they are a new variety of beluga caviar.
To know more about the different varieties of Caviar and some interesting aspects of Caviar culture, please visit our website, http://www.1caviar.com.
The Russian Mallossol beluga caviar is being touted as the next big thing. But it is no more than a marketing gimmick. Malossol, in Russian, implies little salt . Usually during dispatch of caviar, it is salted to preserve it from spoiling. But, in the process, it affects its taste. So, this type essentially means that less salt has been used in the process of preservation. Don t be lead into believing that they are a new variety of beluga caviar.
To know more about the different varieties of Caviar and some interesting aspects of Caviar culture, please visit our website, http://www.1caviar.com.
About the Author: To know more about the different varieties of Caviar and some interesting aspects of Caviar culture, please visit our website,
.Beluga Caviar: The Caviar that suggests fine taste!
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