How to banish public speaking phobia


simon garmah

You cannot imagine how many people are suffering day and night from what we call public speaking phobia. This phobia is what stays as an impediment to stand up and talk in front of a crowd. Public speaking Phobias are widely spread among students as well as workers who may find themselves at a certain stage compelled to speak in public. But a big question mark rises here: How can they conquer this public speaking phobia? How can they banish this fear?


The answer to this question vary slightly or largely from one person to another. Some can make it through implementing some techniques; some may find it hard even when implementing these techniques. In this case, they should consult an expert in the field of treating phobias including the public speaking phobia.

Honestly, the latter category is rarely found among people even though you feel a killing fear to speak in front of people. What you need to know is that you are not alone.Mostl of the people feel this kind of dread even the experts in this field. You have to remember that all of them went through this fear, but what made them experts is that they took a decision to not be fearful anymore. It is normal to feel that, but what is abnormal is to not make any attempt to overcome it. I can guarantee that once you take your first steps, you will feel some sort of convenience and ease.

My final words is:Dont let your fear controle you.controle it,take charge of your life and convince yourself that you will overcome you public speaking phobia.

SIMON GARMAH is an executive Communications Consultant and Coach. He is president of Lifestyles Communications, Inc. which helps individuals communicate in the new global world. His

public speaking phobia

blog.So take the first step toward conquering your

public speaking phobia.Article Source: How to banish public speaking phobia}